Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day In The Life

So perhaps you are tired of hearing about my shopping adventures, but I'm going to share another with you. I just find these seemingly mundane things to be so entertaining when you throw three kids into the mix. Today we made a trip to the grocery store. We were in dire need of milk and some ingredients so we could eat dinner this week. I fed the babies then promptly loaded everyone in the car so that we could be home before they needed to eat again. I had 2 hours. Seems like plenty, but I got home with only about 15 minutes to spare. It takes a long time to load and unload three kids and it's not real fast to push a double stroller and pull a cart with a toddler in it. I also get slowed up because I'm still very unfamiliar with the grocery store here and I end up circling a few aisles several times to find the one item I'm missing. The twins screamed for the majority of the trip and that brought us even more attention than normal. And while the babies screamed, Jack peppered me with questions about if he could eat the apples we picked out and what was this sausage roll and could he sit in the back of the cart instead of the front, and could he have some chips...and so on. One lady laughed at us. She had about three kids running around her and said she was just laughing because she'd been in my shoes. One woman offered to carry a baby around the store while I finished my shopping. Her qualifications...she's a grandma. A few people whispered as I walked by about there being twins and how I have my hands full. All the children stared at us and tried to get peeks of the babies. A woman offered to switch places in line with us even though all of her food was already unloaded. My checker outer made her bagger push my cart out and unload my groceries. That was nice except she put all the groceries right where my stroller needed to go while I was loading up children. Still nice though. Another woman stopped and told me not to worry, I'd survive. She was a mother of teen twins. Of course the babies fell asleep right as I was checking out. Great timing boys. And this is why it takes me forever to do anything.

1 comment:

  1. i can't even imagine how much it takes to get to the store. gotta love the comments. i get them often...most frequently said to cora is..."your mommy has her hands full." :)



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