Monday, August 12, 2013

Galactic Voyage VBS

The week after the twin's birthdays we had VBS at church.  The theme was Galactic Voyage and was very Star Warsy which went over well with our kids. There was a lot of learning about how big God is and just how far he would go to save us. This was the first year that all five of us got involved and though it was exhausting I think we pretty much loved every  minute of it. I really love when we get the opportunity to be involved with our church as a family. Paul was able to rush home from work every day to serve as a parking and security guy. I was lucky enough to be a leader in the 4th grade class. They were fun and challenging and I enjoyed engaging with kids that were not the same age as my own children. Jack was in the kindergarten class and though I didn't get to see him much during each evening he was excited every night about the things he got to do. He was especially excited about the nights his class got to go to worship twice and that he was selected to slime our Jr. High Pastor, Kevin. Schaeffer and Logan got to be in the preschool class which was lucky enough to get to participate in pretty much all the same things as the older kids. They really loved it and I'm hoping it's a sign of good things to come in preschool.

VBS exhaustion. VBS got done at 8:30 and by the time we got home it was after 9 every night. Our kids are used to a 7 o'clock bedtime! Needless to say they were exhausted by the end of the week and actually started sleeping in quite a bit. Here Schaeffer is clinging to his jet pack.

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