Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Things Kids Do

Recently the twins, especially Schaeffer, have really started causing mischief in the bathroom. Sometimes the three boys go in and close the door and from the sounds of it have a grand time playing in the cabinet and being loud. Other times Schaeffer is just in their unrolling entire rolls of toilet paper. But this one time recently, I found Schaeffer and Logan  in the bathroom playing in the toilet. This has happened before and I've been trying really hard to make sure the lid is always down. But a certain 3 year old isn't on the same page as me with that idea. So when it is mysteriously quiet for too long I run to the bathroom. This particular day the twins and gotten into the office garbage can where Paul disposes of his chewed gum (which he's been told must change). They emptied the can and found all the gum they could and were both walking around chewing chewed gum like they were hot shots. I get the gum and put it out of reach but I let them keep the wrappers for no particular reason. A short time later that mysterious too quiet sound came over the house. Sure enough they were on either side of the toilet dipping their gum wrappers in and then sucking on them! Ewwwww! I can't even guarantee that it was just a bowl full of water and nothing else. I was so disturbed. Of course I put an end to it and scoured hands and took away wrappers and all that. But ewwwwww! I really need to teach Jack to put the lid down.

1 comment:

  1. Natalie! I am laughing so hard. Thank you for making my day :)



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