Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Catching Up Again

Since my last post I have thought several times of things I would like to blog about. But for a whole slew of reasons it hasn't happened. Instead, I'm doing a marathon blogging afternoon and hoping I remember everything I want to say! 

Here are the boys enjoying their afternoon pickle snack. Never mind the jammies, they are frequently still on in the afternoon and even into the next day. That's just how we roll sometimes. And yes, all three of my boys (actually all four of them) LOVE pickle snacks. It's weird. I have nothing against pickles, I enjoy them with certain meals. I just don't sit down to a bowl full of them on a near daily occurrence. Paul thinks the boys are gross cause they eat their pickles with milk (ewww!). Paul prefers cola, but cola isn't a choice for the boys so they don't know any different. And really Paul doesn't have any room to be grossed out. One night he sat down to a snack of pickles, cheese cubes dipped in ranch and cola. I think that's disgusting! To each his own. The other thing I like about this picture is that they are all sitting down together. Often when I dole out afternoon snacks, if I don't make them sit in high chairs, they all find each other and sit down somewhere together. Frequently, they are sitting even closer than this, like butts touching. I think it's cute and I'll miss it when they are older.

Jack has tumbling on Thursday afternoons right now. It's a rush to get all the kids up from naps, snacks and to the rec center by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So I've started just running through McDonald's to get french fries for the boys to eat while Jack tumbles. This day I also got a milkshake for them all to share. We usually arrive about 10 minutes early and Jack get's his portion before tumbling while he and Haley watch the high school girls practice soccer. Then the twins scarf down what's left. As I predicted, they LOVED the milkshake and had a good time sharing it. Note the awesome bed heads. Their hair can get a bit crazy.

Some people eat their yogurt with their hand, other people prefer to use a spoon.
Schaeffer used to be the neatest eater. He's pick up one piece at a time, eat it, then get one more piece. Logan used to shovel it all in, making a mess and being sure that his mouth and both hands always had food in them. Then we introduced forks to the boys. It's like one light went on, while another light went off. Now Schaeffer is the messy eater and Logan is the neat one. One night I gave the boys their dinner, Schaeffer dug in and Logan sat their with his pacifier in his mouth and wouldn't start eating. I realized I didn't give them forks, so I got the forks and as soon as Logan had fork in hand, he took out his pacifier and started eating. He still get's a little messy and still uses his hands on occasion, but he now eats almost everything with a utensil and does a really good job of it. Schaeffer will try his utensils, but in the end he resorts to his hands and thus we end up with a yogurt covered Schaeffer nearly every morning.

I feel like I've posted a similar picture before. But I can't remember for sure and this is a good one of the twins. I have locks on a few cabinets and I don't have locks on others. This gives the kids some fun places to play without breaking my breakables or getting sick from chemicals. This particular cabinet is a favorite of theirs. They often sit like this and close the doors on themselves, playing a funny version of peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek, I'm not sure. Sometimes this is where they eat their snacks. Sometimes they just open the doors and sit. And sometimes all three of them get in there and bang on the pots in there.

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